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On The Green Wave - BOOK

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On The Green Wave - Insight the world of Moldavite

MILAN PRCHAL - 60 years on the green wave - Robert Jelinek/Admir Mesic (Eds)

Milan Prchal is a pioneer of the first generation of Moldavite collectors, trailblazers and to this day a sought-after commentator, active expert and knowledgeable person. Prchal dedicated 60 years of his life to moldavite; he himself collected over 25,000 of these tektites and discovered many of the sites known today. He meticulously made hundreds of detailed entries, sketches, drawings and registrations about the localities, shape and color, texture and the environment. The conversation with Prchal is devoted to his personal experiences of the last six decades with and about the moldavite. Prchal's view of the current situation around the international Moldavite attention, as well as his outlook into the future of the longed-for green stone, give a highly exciting insight into the world of Moldavite on the basis of many unknown reports and details.

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